Sara G.

Out of the many schools I have contacted Superior was the most professional and quick to respond to any of my questions. This led me to feel comfortable going forward with them to complete my license conversion. The flight training conducted was great the Instructors were very professional and the airplanes used were in great condition. All in all, I would recommend Superior air for those looking to convert your licenses.

Gioele L.

I am Gioele Lissoni and I’ve just finished the Conversion course from American to European license here at Superior Air. I really enjoyed the time that I spent here. It is really organized and it is complete in all the departments. The aircraft are new and the instructors are very competent either in theory and in the air. I really suggest this flight school for everyone wants to become a pilot.

Yigal S.

I wish to take the opportunity to thank you and your amazing staff at Superior Air for the wonderful week we spent together.Before I came over, I had no idea what to expect (I just knew that Greece looks great from the air) But ever since I entered your facility it was clear to me that I have come to the right place to fly the 15 hours I wanted. Superior Air is a company of the highest standards I have ever met.

The facility is impressive and well maintained, the system is highly computerized and advanced and the staff is incredibly professional and helpful.

I wish to point out one man in particular: My CFI Oliver Michalakis. I have met and flew with many different CFI in many countries. Oliver is one of the best: he is professional, initiative, safe, positive and above all, he has a wonderful teaching attitude. Something you have to be born with.

So… thank you all and I hope we will meet again soon….

Dennis V. G.

I came to Superior air to convert my CASA license to EASA. I am very glad I did, they provided accommodation, transport and once all the paperwork was finished I was able to fly twice a day.  The instructors are very helpful and even stayed till late to help me. With their help I was able to complete my conversion within a week. I can highly recommended Superior air, the instructors go above and beyond, the aircraft are well maintained and they delivered what they promised. I really had a great time and would like to thank everyone at Superior air for all their help.

Jeremy H.

 I came at Superior Air for a FI Course (H) and the R22 Type Rating. Everything was beautiful, with a great team (pilots, mechanics, assistants).

The weather and the life style is simply fabulous. I advise everyone to come and take maximum of the huge experiences of this company.

Unfortunately, there are always an end, but if the opportunity presents itself, I will come again.

Thank you and see you soon.

Je suis venu chez Superior Air faire un stage FI (H) ainsi que la QT R22. Tout c’est déroulé à merveille, avec une superéquipe (pilotes, mécaniciens, assistantes).

La météo et la qualité de vie est tout simplement magnifique. Je conseille à tous de venir profiter de la grande expérience de cette compagnie.

Il y a malheureusement toujours une fin, mais si l’occasion se représente, je reviendrais avec plaisir.

Merci et à très bientôt.

Lisa-M. H.

I just wanted to say what a great company Superior Air is . You guys have fantastic facilities, are super nice people and its been a pleasure to meet you all and train with your team. Thanks again for everything.

Raymond T.

I feel very fortunate to have received flying lessons at Superior Air.  The reason why I want to thank all of your staff and instructors is this:  everyone I met at Superior Air was supportive and helped me reach my goal.

Superior Air always helped me to achieve the same very high standards they set.  I didn’t merely want to get a license.  I wanted to become a safe, proficient, confident pilot.  And that’s precisely how the flight training program at Superior Air is run.  My instructor trained me to standards far beyond the minimum and constantly assigned an emphasis on safety and sound aeronautical decision making skills.

Flying is both an art and a science, and your instructors get that.

If I had to say one important item about Superior Air, I would say that their word is their bond.

Clesio R. F.

I came to sunny Greece in search of good weather and “availability” to complete some remaining “building hours” and undertake the CPL(H) course, just after passing my ATPL theoretical exams.

At such short notice that seemed like an elusive dream, because it would require us to fly virtually every day, during September and October in order to hit the required target.
Owning to my previous experiences and us being on the ” wrong half of the year” that seemed highly unlikely to me.
On the other hand Cpt. Anagnostopoulos the CFI pointed out to me that such objective was perfectly in our reach over here.
Amazingly, and to my astonishment all the plans and promises gradually became a palpable reality, as we comfortably achieved our goals, helped by a “top notch”maintenance, team as well as some “heavenly like weather” only found in these lands..

And in SUPERIOR AIR, I found a school in which a student:
Can really excel and reach his full potential.
Can experience what is it like, to be in a “real world” air operator.
Can Benefit from the school’s professional but yet friendly approach.
Can gain confidence due to the excellent work/studying environment provided by all the personnel, in the most beautifully engineered school facilities I’ve ever trained in.

That’s why I unreservedly endorse SUPERIOR AIR.


Clesio Frank

Patrick O. C.

On resumption to Superior Air I met a group of friendly staff who welcomed me and made me feel at home. Though I had the notion that the training would be difficult, the group of experienced instructors has made it a good ride so far. My systematic introduction into the R44 was awesome as i see myself having a steady improvement. There is no doubt that Superior Air as the name states is indeed Superior.

Adekunle A.

Superior Air as the name implies is a company engaged in pilot training and general aviation services and has assembled a group of highly trained and dedicated staff. From the very first moment i stepped in Superior Air i have been feeling very much at home, and have been subjected to an environment condusive enough for fast learning. This also includes the location of the school which has the best weather in Europe.

Maigado A.

Superior Air is one of the best Aviation Schools which can easily bring out the best of any individual.
With the caliber of its instructors, i believe that anyone can be trained and become an excellent pilot.

Madu I.

Superior Air is a family that has provided a home away from home for me. I am not only learning how to fly helicopters here, but also more about life. The phrases: “It is either you know or you don’t know, there is no in-between” and “A good pilot is one who dies in his bed”, both by Mr. Elias Sofianos keep ringing in my head. I am really impressed by the high level of commitment, professionalism, knowledge and dedication to duty displayed by the staff of this great school. I am proud to be associated with you guys. You are the best…

Matteo S.

In Superior Air i have found extraordinary people; Professionals with a passion for what they do.
Aircraft Maintenance is vey detailed being done in the same facility, so i never had any delay.

It was the best choice i could make for my training. Many Thanks to all at Superior!

Haunzwicl M.

I could not find something that was not perfect in the training. You guys are the most kind and friendly people i have seen for a long time. It was a great experience to see you smiling all the time. The services your technical team is giving is really wonderful.


Schmidt F. M.

As a German i am used to precision in all aspects of life, and Superior Air is providing exactly that. The experienced Instructors and well maintained aircrafts provide you with a very high standard, not only in the flight training, but also for the future of your professional career.

Based in one the worlds most beautiful location, you will enjoy perfect weather conditions and spectacular scenery.

The Greek hospitality is world famous and here you can enjoy every bit of it.