Residence Permit
For non-European students who wish to come and study in Greece, they must first take their Student visa, Type D, from the Greek Embassy of their country. Once the Visa is issued, the student can come and start his/her training in Superior Air. During his/her training, the student should apply for the residence permit, which will give him/her the right to expand their stay in Greece and finish the studies. Usually, the residence permit is granted for 1½ year. If needed, the student can extend his/her residence permit for another 6 months.
Please find below all needed documentation for the application:
Application for PD
4 passport photos (4 x 6cm – Special requirements apply)
Valid passport
Fee of 300 euros by tax office (paravolo), as stated in article 71 of this law (code 2402)
Proof of payment for the registration fees
Confirmation that has been applied to an insurance carrier to cover hospital expenses and medical care
Professional Agreement (contract) from the Flight Academy Confirmation of the relevant educational institution for the total time of study of this program
Fee of 16 euros for the printed card (code 4762)
ATO certificate
All the documents, apart from the passport, must be legalized. (The legalization can take place in the offices where the documents are submitted)
Regarding the appointment, the student should go to the Migration Ministry to book one.
Tel: +30 210 34 03300
Add.: Salaminias 2, Athens
Otherwise, Superior Air in cooperation with a lawyer can assist you, book the appointment, collect all these documents, contact the Ministry and arrange all the necessary procedures.