Airplane Training
Airline Transport Pilot License Theory

6-8 month
— hours
750 hours
Course Description
The aim of this course is to train pilots who have not received or completed the theoretical knowledge instruction during an integrated or a modular course to the level of theoretical knowledge required for the ATPL.
The applicant shall hold a Private Pilot License before he can attend the ATPL Theory course. The ATPL Theory covers all 13 ATPL subjects and is offered as a full time course at our academy facilities or as a distance learning.
Subjects are being separated into three (3) modules.
The theoretical knowledge is delivered in the classroom by High experienced qualified Instructors, supported by Bristol Ground school which is the most modern and proven method of ground training for commercial pilots around the world.
Bristol Ground school is the leading ATPL distance learning specialist for more than 28 years, and Europe’s leading provider of modular distance learning courses for the EASA Airline Transport Pilot’s License (ATPL).
*For distance learning students, 10% of the total instruction time should be made in the classroom.
- Principles of Flight (POF)
- Air Law and ATC Procedures (AL)
- Operational Procedures (OP)
- Mass and Balance (MBL)
- VFR Communication (COM), IFR Communications (COM)
- General Navigation (GNAV)
- Meteorology (MET)
- Performance (PERF)
- Human Performance and Limitations (HPL)
Module 3 (TECHNICAL)
- Instrumentation (INS)
- Aircraft General Knowledge (AGK)
- Radio Nanigation (RNAV)
- Flight Planning and Monitoring (FP)
Each Module shall be completed before next module start.